


Benjamin Button Chapter 7

3階を Three, please. 待って Could you hold, dear, for us, please? すまないね Thank you very much. Good evening. 彼女の名前はエリザベス・アボット Her name was Elizabeth Abbott. 美人でもないし人目も引かない She was not beautiful. She was pl…

Benjamin Button Chapter 6

成長は不思議だ そっと忍び寄りーー Growing up's a funny thing. Sneaks up on you. ある日突然別人に変わってしまう One person is thire, then suddenly somebody else has taken her place. 彼女も別人になった She wasn't all elbows and knees anymor…

Benjamin Button Chapter5

ねえ 痛むわ・・・ Darling, the pain. 看護婦さんを All right, Mom. I'll get the nurse. これがハリケーンの目です [ON TV] Look at this eye. This is a major hurricane. 痛みます? Not doing too good? 困った天候ね Nobody seems to know whether to…

Shawshank Redemption chapter1

デュフレーンさん Mr. Dufresne, descrie... 殺された奥さんとどんな口論を? ...the confrontation you had with your wife the night she was murdered. 最悪でした It was very bitter. 彼氏と隠れて付き合いたくない She said she was glad I knew, that…

Benjamin Button Chapter4

呼吸は? How's her breathing? 浅いわ Its shallow. ハリケーンがくるから子供を姉に預けてくる They say it'll reach us in a few hours... ...so I gotta get my baby and take him to my sister's. ここは安全ね They say there's nothing to worry abo…

Benjamin Button Chapter3

いつもとおなじ日々 It was a place of great routine. どんな天気でも5時半に Every morning at 5:30, no matter the weather... ウィンズロー元陸軍大将が国旗を掲揚する ...General Winslow, U.S. Army Retired, would raise the flag. 有名なオペラ歌…

Benjamin Button Chapter2

おい 君 Hey! What are you doing there? 何をしてる? What do you have there? ちょっとだけだ Come on. Just take some time. 気持ちいい The air is sweet. クイニー きれいだよ You look very handsome tonight, Miss Queenie. 今夜は特別に Handsome a…

The Dark Knight chapter1

そろったな? Three of a kind?, let's do this. 3人だけか? That's right. Three guys? 屋上にあと2人、5人で山分けだ Two guys on the roof. Every guy gets a share. Five share is plenty. 6人さ ボスを忘れるな Six shares. Dont forget the guy W…

Benjamin Button Chapter1

キャロライン何を見ているの? What are you looking at, Caroline? 風よ The wind, Mom. ハリケーンがくるって They say the hurricane is coming. 船が・・・ Im on a boat. 揺られて流されてく Im drifting. ママ、なにかしてほしい? Can I do anything …